Me and My Psoriasis
Q&A with Jacqui
Today we sat down with the beautiful Jacqui and asked her a few questions about her Psoriasis journey. We are so grateful that she allows us into her world and tells us her experiences, tips, and tricks on how she tackles the real implications of living with Psoriasis every day. We hope that this interview teaches you something and makes you feel less alone on your journey with Psoriasis.
Hey, Jacqui, welcome to Merino. Firstly, can you please tell us a bit about your Psoriasis Journey?
Hello, I am excited to be here. Well, it’s been a long journey. I have my ups and down moments. I was passed around a lot at the beginning of my diagnosis, with many believing that it was eczema; this was frustrating. I only really understood what Psoriasis was when I was 16 years old, which was a shock to me, but it was nice to have a diagnosis and to be able to plan. When I think about one of my earliest memories with Psoriasis, it was at school. My school had a strict policy with hairstyles which meant I could never hide my condition from my peers. I used to get many people questioning what it was and why it looked strange. This wasn't very pleasant.
That sounds challenging. With your diagnosis, what was it like, and how did it affect you?
I was tossed between doctors and dermatologists for quite some time. Many gave me a range of different topical steroid creams to combat the symptoms. I found this frustrating to continuously explain my story and show my spots to many doctors and dermatologists who had no answers. In 2017, I was diagnosed with scalp Psoriasis and realised what that meant for me going forward.
Since 2017 when you were diagnosed, what have been some of the biggest challenges you've faced whilst living with Psoriasis?
Psoriasis has changed the way I live. Others don't need to tick as many boxes as I do to achieve even the simplest things. Naming a few, if I am going away for the weekend or on trips, I always need to pack all of my own creams and my shampoo and conditioner. I don't have the pleasure of purchasing supermarket brands or using the ones in the bathrooms at hotels.
Eating out as well as my diet also needs special consideration. I have a few foods that are suggested to contribute to flare-ups I have experienced in the past, so I try and avoid them at all costs. With Psoriasis being an auto-immune condition, I also find myself more prone to fall sick or rundown, which is a frustrating aspect of living with Psoriasis.
What is one thing you wish other people knew about Psoriasis?
Psoriasis isn't contagious, I have been asked this so many times, and it is so embarrassing and hurtful. Just because we are in the pool together doesn't mean you can catch it, but I would also suggest that you do look out for it as it can appear at any time in your life.
That would have been so hard for you. How do you wish people would approach Psoriasis?
To Be kind and supportive to people that have Psoriasis, especially when they are having a flare-up. Flare-ups can lower self-confidence, and even in some situations, be quite painful. I would also recommend those suffering from early stages of Psoriasis or persistent eczema to speak with a dermatologist sooner rather than later. Once diagnosed, it is a lot easier to treat and understand your condition.
Being kind and supportive is enormous. People just recognising that we are all different, I can imagine, would help a lot.
You mentioned Flare-ups. What would you say are your best tips for Flare-ups?
My best tips would be to make sure your scalp or the area you have Psoriasis is clean. Look into what you may have been eating that week and investigate changing your diet to have less processed foods. In terms of topical creams, apply the merino lanolin cream to manage the flare-up.
We gave Jacqui some of our non-hypoallergenic Lanolin creams to try on her Psoriasis a few months ago, and to say we were both happy with the results would be an understatement. I am now going to ask Jacqui a few questions about the product and how she found it.
How has Merino helped you?
Merino has helped me by using a natural solution to manage my Psoriasis and alleviate some of the symptoms I face.
What do you like about the Lanolin Cream?
I like the lanolin cream because it moisturises my scalp psoriasis (Minimising the flaky scalp that causes extensive dandruff and has alleviated the constant itch, and has allowed me to continue to live my life.
What makes Merino different to other products that you have tried?
A significant aspect of Merino that I have come to love is that there are no steroids in their products. Steroids break down the body's immune system and can cause additional pro-longed side effects. Finding a natural cream that actually works and has assisted in managing my Psoriasis and partially eliminated the excess skin and redness.
What specifically do you like about it? the smell, texture, feel, results etc.
Not only is Merino very soothing to apply to the skin, having an almost cooling effect is what I like the most. In addition, the results have been outstanding. After showing my Dermatologist the Merino range, and the condition my scalp was in, she was honestly shocked.

How does the before and after photos make you feel?
The before photo shows how painful and dry my scalp was. Now my scalp is hydrated, less itchy and pain-free, thanks to Merino.
Would you recommend Merino to others?
Absolutely! Merino has provided me with a natural approach to managing my Psoriasis, and now I can live my life freely without having to worry about my Psoriasis.
Thank you so much for sitting down with us Jacqui, we appreciate you letting us in on your Psoriasis Journey. You are so brave, and we can't wait for your story to help others who know someone with Psoriasis or suffer from the condition themselves. I have included Jacqui's before and after below so you can see that remarkable difference.
Merino has worked wonders on my Psoriasis! Couldn’t recommend anything better.